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Helpful Self-Care Tips for the Holidays

Tis the season for parties, gift-giving, and festive cheer! The holidays are an exciting and busy time, but sometimes, it can become a bit overwhelming. Luckily, there are plenty of ways to relax and take care of yourself between all the fun.

Soma<sup class=st-superscript>®</sup> model wearing a black bra and black, white, and gold pajama bottoms and matching, open button-up shirt.

Making a little time for yourself and focusing on maintaining good habits can help you prioritize self-care while still making the most of this exciting time of year. If you’re looking for self-care tips for the holiday season, check out these tips.

1. Make Time for Yourself

2. Prioritize Good Sleep

3. Simplify Holiday Shopping

4. Stick to a Routine

5. Try Meditation

6. Stay Hydrated + Well Nourished

7. Don’t Put Too Much Pressure on Yourself

8. Treat Yourself When You Need It

9. Journal Your Thoughts

10. Remember to Disconnect from Tech

11. Lean on Your Support System

11 Holiday Self-Care Tips to Try

Self-care during the holidays starts with focusing inward and checking in on your well-being. If you find that you’re feeling a bit run-down, that’s understandable. You just need to find some ways to refill the well.

Here are 11 self-care tips we recommend; see which ones are right for you!

1. Make Time for Yourself

With everything going on during the holiday season, it can be tough to make time for yourself. However, it’s essential that you do. 

Try throwing on your favorite cozy loungewear and let yourself relax — you can watch a movie, catch up on your favorite show, or enjoy a cup of tea with that book you’ve been reading.

 (Left) Soma<sup class=st-superscript>®</sup> model wearing black and white striped classic pajamas. (Right) Stack of pajama tops in a variety of colors, prints, and solids.

Want your R&R to be a little more social? You can even put together a pajama party so you can enjoy a relaxing evening with friends. Have everyone bring something or order takeout to keep it low-effort.

2. Prioritize Good Sleep

(Left) Soma<sup class=st-superscript>®</sup> model wearing red striped pajamas and a red sleep mask. (Right) Laydown of black, orange, red, and purple floral sleep mask and red sleep mask.

A good night’s sleep helps you minimize stress and improve your overall health. Unfortunately, getting the rest you need can be tough for some–especially if the holiday stress is mounting. There are a few easy things you can do to improve your sleep quality.

If you find yourself tossing and turning a lot, treat yourself to new sleepwear or bedding—you’d be surprised what a difference the right sheets can make.

You can also work on creating a nighttime routine that includes avoiding screens for at least an hour before bed, using calming pillow mist, and putting on soothing sounds.

3. Simplify Holiday Shopping

Soma<sup class=st-superscript>®</sup> laydown of red gift boxes and a variety of pajama sets in different styles, colors and prints.-Care-Tips-for-the-Holidays_Single_1250x1000.jpg

Taking the pressure off when it comes to holiday shopping is one of the best tips for self-care during the holidays.

Whether you’re shopping for a couple of friends or a large family, you can simplify shopping with our holiday gift guide. We’ve curated a list of gifts that the women in your life will love.

Need to bring something for an upcoming event? Find the perfect host gift with minimal effort. You can take the pressure off with these no-fail hostess gift ideas.

4. Stick to a Routine

Not following a routine can contribute to stress and a lack of organization, and as many know, this time of year is sure to shake up our usual lifestyle. If you’re feeling overwhelmed this holiday season, try creating a simple routine you can stick to.

 Model standing in front of bathroom sink wearing a white towel and spraying skincare on her face.

Find something that works for you — it could be what you do to get ready for the day, a skincare routine, or the steps you take to wind down at night. Having some consistency from day to day can improve your mental health and help you avoid slow days when you can’t seem to get anything done.

5. Try Meditation

Model standing with her eyes closed and her hand on her chest.

Meditating is one of the best ways to drown out the noise and focus on yourself for a moment. The biggest key to meditation is focusing your mind to avoid distracting thoughts—letting the calming silence relax and soothe you.

If you don’t know where to start, there are a lot of apps that can guide you through a meditation session. But you can also keep it simple by finding a quiet place to relax and let your mind shut off.

6. Stay Hydrated + Well Nourished

Glass pitcher of lemon water with sliced lemons and a sealed, cork top sitting on a black and white table runner.

Your physical health plays a key role when it comes to your stress levels and how you handle the busy holiday season. You have a lot on your plate right now, so do your best to stay hydrated and well-nourished to keep yourself energized and feeling your best.

Try following these tips to help ensure you’re giving your body what it needs:

  • Drink at least six to eight glasses of water a day.

  • Prepare your meals at the beginning of the week so you can just grab them and reheat when you have time.

  • Consider avoiding caffeine and alcohol, which can contribute to heightened feelings of stress.

7. Don’t Put Too Much Pressure on Yourself

We know it’s easier said than done, but one of the best tips we have is the reminder not to put too much pressure on yourself. Yes, there’s a lot to do, but the holiday season is supposed to be fun and joyful.

Your friends and family visit you during the holidays because they care about you and want to spend time with you. Here are a few ways you can turn the pressure down:

Soma<sup class=st-superscript>®</sup> laydown of soft loungewear styles in dark grey and off-white colors.

  • Spend less time finding the perfect ensemble with our effortless holiday outfit ideas.

  • Treat someone to dinner or a fun outing if you don’t have time to shop. It’s a win-win that you’ll get to spend time with them and won’t have to stress about finding the perfect material gift.

  • Use our packing guide to streamline your prep for visiting home for the holidays or taking that much-deserved vacation.

8. Treat Yourself When You Need It

Spending so much time running errands, decorating, and preparing your home can be very demanding. Do something nice for yourself, like getting yourself a gift you’ve had your eye on or treating yourself to a luxury experience.

Soma<sup class=st-superscript>®</sup> laydown of pink fuzzy crossover slide slippers.

It could be something simple like a pair of slippers that feel like walking on clouds after being on your feet all day or a plush robe that will envelop you in warmth while you relax at the end of the day. You could also go big and take yourself to the spa for a day of replenishment.

It doesn’t matter what kind of treat you choose as long as you’re taking the opportunity to do something for yourself.

9. Journal Your Thoughts

Open journal with handwritten notes and closed pen on top of a wooden table, next to a mug of coffee.

Letting yourself put everything on the page is a major stress reliever for many people. You don’t have to be a master with words; you can simply let your stream of consciousness take over. Putting pen to paper can help lighten the load of whatever is on your mind.

Journaling your thoughts is one of our favorite self-care tips for the holiday season, and it’s one of the ways you could even create a daily routine around–one of our other tips. Plus, it’s not only a chance to express yourself but also gives you a written record of each holiday season that you can look back on and smile at.

10. Remember to Disconnect from Tech

Whether you’re scrolling through social media or binge-watching your favorite TV show, you don’t want to spend too much time staring at your phone, TV, or computer.

Self-Care-Six hands holding a glass of red wine cheersing over top of a holiday dinner tablescape.-for-the-Holidays_Single_1000x1250_14.jpg

There’s nothing wrong with gathering around the TV with the family to watch festive movies or sharing photos of your holiday decorations with friends, but you should take some time to disconnect from tech and enjoy the world around you during the holidays.

11. Lean on Your Support System

Soma<sup class=st-superscript>®</sup> models huddled together wearing white, light pink, and red plush robes.

Sometimes, you need a helping hand to manage stress during the holidays. Having a stable support system of people who care about you can help with seasonal—and year-round—self-care.

Everyone should have a support system they can count on for emotional support, whether that’s your

  • Family

  • Closest friends

  • Coworkers

  • Online community

Don’t be afraid to reach out and ask if someone has time to talk or spend time together unwinding.

The above self-care tips are also great to practice preemptively so you don’t find yourself running out of steam halfway through the holidays. Take inspiration from these ideas to make sure your mind and body are well cared for.

Take Care of Yourself During the Holiday Season

Your busy seasonal schedule doesn’t have to be stressful. Prioritizing self-care during this time of year doesn’t have to be a big lifestyle change; it can be very simple, like the above recommendations for holiday self-care.

Getting a good night’s sleep and sticking to simple routines can make it easier to navigate the demands of the season. Invest in a nice journal you’ll be excited to write in, grab a water bottle that helps you stay on a hydration schedule, or shop our new arrivals in sleepwear and loungewear for the ultimate comfort.

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